Cocaine Base and Methamphetamine in SC – Penalties
This is a breakdown of the penalties for cocaine base and methamphetamine in SC. Included are the penalties for possession, distribution, possession with intent to distribute, manufacturing, and trafficking cocaine and methamphetamine.
The full text of the South Carolina Code Section that contain this information is: SECTION 44-53-375. Possession, manufacture, and trafficking of methamphetamine and cocaine base and other controlled substances; penalties.
1st Offense: 0-3 years and/or $5000
2nd Offense: 0-5 years and/or $7500
3rd Offense: 0-10 years and/or $12,500
Distribution/Possession with intent to Distribute/Manufacturing
1st Offense: 0-15 years and/or not more than $25.000
2nd Offense: 5-30 years and/or not more than $50.000
3rd Offense: 10-30 years and/or not more than $50,000
10 – 28 grams
1st Offense: 3-10 years and $25,000
2nd Offense: 5-30 years and $50,000
3rd Offense: 25-30 years and $50,000
28 – 100 grams
1st Offense: 7-25 years and $25,000
2nd Offense: 7-30 years and $50,000
3rd Offense: 25-30 years and $50,000
100 – 200 grams
25 years and $50,000
200 – 400 grams
25 years and $100,000
400 grams
25-30 years and $200,000
Now is the most critical time to hire an attorney with the experience and knowledge necessary to provide aggressive support in court. Remember, you are at a disadvantage when you are arrested because you are unfamiliar with the laws and court system. Our office has handled thousands of cases, and we can help you effectively deal with any criminal charge. We have extensive experience with criminal charges including those for cocaine base and methamphetamine in SC. Moreover, we have high profile case experience, which ensures that we can professionally manage even the most complex cases.
In order to be flexible and convenient, we have open office hours, easy appointment scheduling, and payment plans available. Call today and schedule your free and confidential consultation. Our law office focuses on those accused of crimes across Upstate, South Carolina, including: Greenville, Spartanburg, Anderson, Pickens, Laurens, and Oconee counties.