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Does the Court favor the mother over the father in child custody cases?

January 16, 2018  |   Posted by :   |   Uncategorized   |   0 Comments

Does the Court favor the mother over the father in child custody cases? No. In the past, the Courts employed a legal presumption referred to as the “Tender Year’s Doctrine.”  This Doctrine essentially states that it’s best to leave a child in his mother’s care during the early years of life.  However, this was repealed, […]

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Greenville, SC – Domestic Violence Awareness Event

September 29, 2014  |   Posted by :   |   Uncategorized   |   0 Comments

Greenville, SC – Domestic Violence Awareness Event I am going to be one of the speakers at a Domestic Violence Awareness Event in Greenville, South Carolina, on October 17, 2014.  At the Event, I will be speaking on domestic violence from a criminal defense attorney’s point of view.  Please feel free to join us, the […]

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Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act in South Carolina

March 10, 2014  |   Posted by :   |   Uncategorized   |   0 Comments

Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act in South Carolina (UCCJEA) – Child Custody Jurisdiction – State Conflicts All 50 states have adopted the same rules when one parent is in a different state than that of the child and the action filed is an initial custody determination. The rules are called the Uniform Child Custody […]

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Driver Suspension Eligibility Week 2014

February 10, 2014  |   Posted by :   |   Uncategorized   |   0 Comments

The South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles is having an event where certain driving suspensions are lifted. As quoted by the webpage, which can be accessed here, “SCDMV will hold the 2014 Driver Suspension Eligibility Week for drivers with certain license suspensions March 10-14, 2014 in all offices across the state.” If you have a […]

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Tips on Hiring an Attorney

November 04, 2013  |   Posted by :   |   Uncategorized   |   0 Comments

The first step in a criminal or family law case is selecting an attorney.  I would like to discuss this topic today because it is crucial to achieving a successful outcome.  As an attorney, I can offer a unique perspective by sharing how I personally would select attorney to represent me.  You may very well […]

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